Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Media’s Negative Influence on Society - 1100 Words
The Media’s Negative Influence on Society There is a lot of controversy about how the media affects people, but in my opinion I think the influence we get is more negative than positive. The media is one of the things that impact people the most because in today’s society it is impossible to ignore. It influences the ways in which we dress, speak, act and think. Media is fed to us through movies, television, radio, social media, music, and magazines. I believe mass media is pressuring the way woman and girls want to look, twists reality, and is sexist towards woman without people even realizing. I think the most dominant affect the media has is on young women. The number one message the media sends is that all females must be skinny to†¦show more content†¦A teenager’s main source of information about sex comes from what they pick up in the media. In television shows, music videos and video games, dressing skimpy, hooking up, and casual sex is totally no rmal. The problem is that there is rarely any mention of protection or STDs. This makes people in real life forget about those things, which leads to unexpected pregnancies and the spread of STDs. After the media demands you to be thin, it also wants you to be provocative and sexual, which I think is completely unrealistic. The media expresses an image, behavior, and lifestyle that are unrealistic for many people. ANAD says that the perfect body portrayed in advertisements is possessed naturally by only 5% of American girls. What many people do not understand, is that celebrities, models, and even News Reporters and broadcasters will not go on screen without altering their natural appearance. From head to toe, they need to look good. Their hair is styled by professionals and artists do their makeup. Their clothing is chosen by stylists and what some people may not know is that many clothes you see celebrities wear, they do not even own. 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